Substance Abuse Counseling

Substance Abuse

“I can stop on my own” or “I don’t have a problem with drinking or drugs” are just a few statements you may have said or heard from a family member or friend with addiction issues. Substance abuse counseling treatment is very beneficial; however there has to be a commitment to treatment and desire to change by the user.
Substance abuse treatment will not be successful without the user acknowledging he/she has a problem with alcohol or drug use. Secondly the user has to want to make a positive change in behavior and willing to put in the work to make it happen.

Brief Intervention…

Behavioral therapies vary in their focus and may involve addressing a patient’s motivation to change, providing incentives for abstinence, building skills to resist drug use, replacing drug-using activities with constructive and rewarding activities, improving problem-solving skills, and facilitating better interpersonal relationships. Also, participation in group therapy and other peer support programs during and following treatment can help maintain abstinence.

Life after Detox…

Detoxification is the process of allowing the body to rid itself of a drug while managing the symptoms of withdrawal. It is often the first step in a drug treatment program and should be followed by treatment with a behavioral-based therapy and/or a medication, if available. Detox alone with no follow-up is not treatment.

If you answer, “Yes” to any of the questions you mostly likely or the person you are concerned about have a problem with alcohol or drug use:
When the word alcohol is used, you can replace alcohol with the name of any other drug.

Drink more now than in the past?
Drink less but still has problems with alcohol?
Neglect responsibilities with children due to substance abuse?
Avoid social functions where alcohol is not served?
Prefer to hang out with other heavy drinkers and avoid socializing with people who don’t drink?
Hide bottles of alcohol?
Undergo a personality change when using alcohol or other drugs?
Disrupt holidays or special occasions by getting high or drunk?
Lie to employers, relatives or friends to hide his or her alcohol or drug use?
Drive while intoxicated?

Are you ready for positive Change?

If you are tired of the negative consequences of your alcohol and drug use please take the next step. If you feel that things you have worked so hard for such as your family, job and finance slipping away…make the call and ask for help. I hope to hear from you soon, but remember the change you are seeking has to be what you want. This is not something you can do for your mother, wife, or children…the motivation for change has to be your decision and true to desire.



[email protected]

PO Box 9443 Augusta, GA 30916