Family Counseling

Is this your family …

Do you dread going home after a long day’s work only to be met with conflict at the door? It’s seems there are no conversation only arguing matches, which leads to more confusion and conflict. How many times have you said, “Things are going to get better with time”. The constant conflicts are having negative influences on the children. Maybe it’s time to reach out for help to assist your family with appropriate and positive communication.

Divorce Reaction…

As a parent, it’s normal to feel uncertain about how to give your children the right support through your divorce or separation. It may be uncharted territory, but you can successfully navigate this unsettling time—and help your kids emerge from it feeling loved, confident, and strong.

What to say and how to say it? Is a big issue for parents going through a divorce Family counseling can assist with the navigation of making this experience less disruptive to the lives of your children, and negative impairment of functioning in their daily activities

Blended Family Issues…

Many children/adolescents of blended families may struggle with issues such as jealousy, confusion, animosity, resentment, rivalry, loyalty and loss. They are still trying to sort out the pain and grief over the loss of their previous family. If there are step-siblings, the children of both parents may feel like they are losing their remaining parent to the new spouse/step-parent. This can cause sibling rivalry and tension for all of the children. Parents will also need to sort out their new roles and set boundaries with regards to parenting, discipline, financial obligations and time. Family therapy can help address these issues and provides a safe environment for each member to voice their feelings in a respectful and loving way. Children can express their fears and concerns and discover their place within the new family unit. Parents can learn how to maintain a healthy relationship with their children while building a new and loving bond with their spouse and step-children.

You owe it to yourself and children to start your new family unit off to great and loving start with understanding of roles within this unit…

How can Chronic Illness affect the family?

One member’s chronic illness influences the lives of everyone in the family. Roles and routines change. It may seem as if the medical professionals that care for the ill family member become part of the family. The demands of caregiving must be negotiated. Family members’ emotions may be on a continuous roller-coaster ride. On the other hand, families may come together and grow closer. Their lives may take on new meaning. They may find rewards they had not expected on their journey through illness. The only certain thing is that chronic illness is a family experience, one that is shared by all.

How can counseling help…

Family therapy can help your family weather through the storms of life mentioned above and many others. Family therapy can help patch strained relationships, teach new coping skills and improve how your family works together. Whether it’s you, your partner, a child or even a sibling or parent who’s in crisis, family therapy can help all of you communicate better and develop new behavioral patterns. Working with a family therapist, you and your family will examine your family’s ability to solve problems and express thoughts and emotions. You may explore family roles, rules and behavior patterns in order to spot issues that contribute to conflict. Family therapy can help you identify your specific concerns and assess how your family is handling them. Guided by your family therapist, you’ll learn new ways to interact and overcome past problems and appropriate conflict resolution to assist with any future problems. You’ll set individual and family goals and work on ways to achieve them as a family. Starting therapy with together can be one of the best things you do when your family is experiencing difficulty. You can begin to heal emotional wounds, come to understand one another better and restore a sense of harmony you may not have felt for a long time.

Please contact me for an appointment request or your free telephone consultation today!



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PO Box 9443 Augusta, GA 30916